Wraith of Fire by Stephanie Hudson
I knew the moment my soul burned.
I knew the moment the Wraith of Fire had touched me.
And now…
Was it really so hard for the Heavens to produce some white light?
But no, not even just a warm glow at the end of some graffitied tunnel and as for Pearly Gates, well they wouldn’t be opening for me any time soon!
Because I wasn’t where I was supposed to be. And I could forget all my jokes about falling into Wonderland and Oz and seeing any of those fuzzy fellas from Narnia, because no amount of wishing that my life was a fairy tale would make it so.
Not when I was caught in this nightmare world. One where I was to be terrorised by its ruler for an eternity.
A tyrant King that wanted a new game to play.
One I had no chance of winning.
Not when it was my heart, that was on the line.
- File Name:wraith-of-fire-by-stephanie-hudson.epub
- Original Title:Wraith Of Fire: A Vampire King Paranormal Romance (Transfusion Book 11)
- Creator:Stephanie Hudson
- Language:en
- Identifier:MOBI-ASIN:B08WPSVB44
- Publisher:Hudson Indie Ink
- Date:2021-03-20T16:00:00+00:00
- File Size:369.846 KB
Table of Content
- 1. Title Page
- 2. Copyright
- 3. Contents
- 4. About the Author
- 5. Acknowledgments
- 6. Also by Stephanie Hudson
- 7. Other Authors at Hudson Indie Ink
- 8. Dedication
- 9. Warning!
- 10. Prologue
- 11. 1. Cracked Hearts
- 12. 2. Rain of Tears
- 13. 3. Army of Ash
- 14. 4. Trapped in Shadows
- 15. 5. Dead Ends
- 16. 6. Paper Clues
- 17. 7. Ashes of the Past
- 18. 8. Kidnapping of the First Kind
- 19. 9. When Love First Meets
- 20. 10. A Tree of Memories
- 21. 11. A Date to Remember
- 22. 12. Blood is Key
- 23. 13. Locked Doors
- 24. 14. Lily of the Field
- 25. 15. Mattresses and Flowers
- 26. 16. Shopping and Sex
- 27. 17. A Bell Rings
- 28. 18. Partnerships
- 29. 19. Perfection Interrupted
- 30. 20. In Plain Sight
- 31. 21. A King’s Dark Heart
- 32. 22. As the Blood Sand Falls
- 33. 23. Heart of Darkness Consumed
- 34. 24. Choked Hearts
- 35. 25. A Slice of Normality
- 36. 26. Goodbyes Hurt
- 37. 27. Fractured Heart
- 38. 28. Wraith of Fire
- 39. 29. Remembering
- 40. 30. Memory Lane Changes
- 41. 31. Witch Secrets Matter?
- 42. Epilogue
book cover artist : how weird do you want the cover to be? author: yes
kudos to the author.....and it's a paranormal romance but i am batshit creeped out by the thing on the cover which makes me cynical enough to read it
i got freaked out by the book cover
RIGHT!!! like as much as the saying about 'dont judge a book by its cover' , you cant help but judge it .