Twisted Love by Ana Huang

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Twisted Love by Ana Huang
160 ratings

He has a heart of ice…but for her, he’d burn the world.

Alex Volkov is a devil blessed with the face of an angel and cursed with a past he can’t escape.
Driven by a tragedy that has haunted him for most of his life, his ruthless pursuits for success and vengeance leave little room for matters of the heart.
But when he’s forced to look after his best friend’s sister, he starts to feel something in his chest:
A crack.
A melt.
A fire that could end his world as he knew it.


Ava Chen is a free spirit trapped by nightmares of a childhood she can’t remember.
But despite her broken past, she’s never stopped seeing the beauty in the world…including the heart beneath the icy exterior of a man she shouldn’t want.
Her brother’s best friend.
Her neighbor.
Her savior and her downfall.
Theirs is a love that was never supposed to happen—but when it does, it unleashes secrets that could destroy them both…and everything they hold dear.

Twisted Love is a brother’s best friend/opposites attract romance with a hint of suspense. It’s book one in the Twisted series but can be read as a standalone.

WARNING: This book contains a possessive, morally gray alphahole; explicit sexual content, and profanity. No cheating or menage, but if you’re looking for a traditionally sweet, loveable hero, this is not the book for you. Recommended for 18+

  • File Name:twisted-love-by-ana-huang.epub
  • Original Title:Twisted Love: A Brother's Best Friend Romance
  • Creator:
  • Language:en
  • Identifier:MOBI-ASIN:B08Y6DCS1Y
  • Date:2021-04-28T18:30:00+00:00
  • File Size:427.619 KB

Table of Content

  • 1. Title Page
  • 2. Copyright
  • 3. Dedication
  • 4. Contents
  • 5. Playlist
  • 6. Synopsis
  • 7. 1. Ava
  • 8. 2. Alex
  • 9. 3. Ava
  • 10. 4. Ava
  • 11. 5. Alex
  • 12. 6. Ava
  • 13. 7. Alex
  • 14. 8. Ava
  • 15. 9. Alex
  • 16. 10. Ava
  • 17. 11. Ava
  • 18. 12. Ava
  • 19. 13. Alex
  • 20. 14. Ava
  • 21. 15. Ava
  • 22. 16. Alex
  • 23. 17. Ava
  • 24. 18. Alex
  • 25. 19. Ava
  • 26. 20. Alex
  • 27. 21. Ava
  • 28. 22. Alex
  • 29. 23. Ava
  • 30. 24. Ava
  • 31. 25. Ava
  • 32. 26. Ava
  • 33. 27. Ava
  • 34. 28. Alex
  • 35. 29. Ava
  • 36. 30. Ava
  • 37. 31. Alex
  • 38. 32. Ava
  • 39. 33. Alex
  • 40. 34. Alex
  • 41. 35. Alex
  • 42. 36. Ava
  • 43. 37. Alex
  • 44. 38. Alex
  • 45. 39. Ava
  • 46. 40. Alex
  • 47. 41. Ava
  • 48. 42. Ava
  • 49. 43. Ava
  • 50. Epilogue
  • 51. Books by Ana Huang
  • 52. Keep in touch with Ana Huang
  • 53. Acknowledgments
  • 54. About the Author

Comment author placeholder
Lalp Lap
Lalp Lap

It was okay, i didnt get why it had 159 stars ratings on it.. perhaps it was during covid restrictions and people dont have much to read 😆

Replya month ago
    vera milutinovic
    vera milutinovic

    lovely 😍

    Reply2 months ago
      Mitya Potya
      Mitya Potya

      Twisted series is amazing! I love it!❤️❤️❤️ For me better than twisted game.

      Reply2 months ago
        Jakester Jung
        Jakester Jung

        5/10, much prefer twisted games tbh .

        Reply4 months ago
          Douaa DI
          Douaa DI


          Reply8 months ago
            Fiction Fanatic
            Fiction Fanatic

            Please someone help me find the book A promise of peridot by Kate Golden ( Its preceded by a dawn of onyx

            Replya year ago
            • Sleeping Butterfly


              10 months ago
            Cloudy Summer
            Cloudy Summer

            Okay I need help and I was searching for so long so I’m gonna ask here: I am looking for a College friends to lovers book I read last year but can’t find anymore.

            I remember the guy and the girl made out a few months or weeks ago and almost slept together but they were drunk and the MC acted like she fell asleep and both thought the other one didn’t remember and therefore acted like nothing happened. The MC is working at a diner, I think, with her roommate and her other friend who has something going on with their boss.

            I’m pretty sure at the beginning of the book the guy broke up with someone while the MC was there too but she was sitting at the table behind.

            I hope I remembered it correctly I am sure the rating of the book was not good but I really enjoyed it and hope someone here knows which one I’m looking for, even though this might be confusing here 🙃😭

            Replya year ago
            • Sarah Reads

              Hi I’m not a hundred percent sure but I think you combined the plot of 2 stories though they are from the same series .. the series is called the brentwood boys series, the one where they didn’t sleep together is Knox and Amry and the one where she work in the diner is The strike out where it’s Holt and Harmony .. I hope it helps and you find what you are looking for

              a year ago
            Blue Styll
            Blue Styll

            Loved this book!! ❤

            Replya year ago
              Marťa Pavlíčková
              Marťa Pavlíčková

              Sakra!!! To bylo úžasné!!! První polovina naprosto vtipná a plná ostrých výměn mezi hlavními postavami a druhá půlka plná zvratů a ŠOKUJÍCÍCH situací. Bála jsem se, že to bude jen o sexu, ale bylo to tak akorát. Hodně mě bavila interakce mezi hrdiny a jejich osobní rozvoj. Za mě 5 hvězdiček. DOPORUČUJI.

              Replya year ago
                Real Reviews
                Real Reviews

                Book was well written. Picked up many new phrases and words, and used good descriptions. This can be described as a slow burn (?) when considering spice but it picked up eventually. Spice was a 3/5 and it feels like there could have been more. Book was scintillating (brilliant) in terms of romance, drama and angst. You could feel the emotions of the characters - the heartbreak, the fear, the sadness. Overall, this book earned a solid 4/5 stars from me.

                Replya year ago
                  Logan Sye
                  Logan Sye

                  I really liked it. It had a lot of twist I did not see coming.

                  Replya year ago
                    Beautiful Jaa
                    Beautiful Jaa

                    meh, to be honest, I was expecting more. Yes, the last half of the book was pretty satisfying, I think I'm more into obsessed male characters, and Alex didn't strike me as one (other than the groveling part). Maybe I was a bit disappointed because I just red "Skin of a Sinner" by Avina Graves

                    Replya year ago
                      🎃Pumpkin pie
                      🎃Pumpkin pie


                      Replya year ago
                        Mrs. S
                        Mrs. S


                        Replya year ago
                          A P
                          A P

                          Epub need to fix these non stop pop ups! What is going on?! I’ve had to find other book websites to avoid this problem.

                          Reply2 years ago
                          • dazany ely

                            pdf lake is a good website

                            a year ago
                          • Sarah Love

                            Do you know any other book websites that don’t have this problem? I’ve been looking for some new ones but I haven’t had any luck yet

                            2 years ago
                          Alisha Regmi
                          Alisha Regmi

                          Please help me find the book... It's a book where a man stalks a girl in a good way and takes care of her every problem. Eventually he kidnaps her but is extremely sweet and gentle and explains it that he had fallen in love and had followed before. He says he kidnapped her to protect her from her ex which used to be his own brother who wants to hurt her due to his grudge on Male lead. Even though he kidnapped he is really really sweet and gentle and obviously girl falls in love as well..

                          Reply2 years ago
                          • Frosh Here

                            Sheltered by alexa raily

                            2 years ago
                          Rhea Snc
                          Rhea Snc

                          CAN SOMEONE HELP ME FIND THIS BOOK. It's a enemies to lovers book where the mmc is her best friends twin. It starts with him moving across her house with his family when they were 5 and then her mother takes her to his house to meet and play with him but he tells her, he doesn't want to be friends with a girl and makes her cry but then she becomes best friends with his twin. Also the FMC name startes with a J. Actually her whole familys name with a J. And I think the best friends name is ryes. Also the MMC has a tattoo of her name in Arabic i guess on his ring finger. I think the dedication of the book is " There is a very very thin line between love and hate and that is lust."

                          Reply2 years ago
                          • Khadija Arshad

                            Hey did you find this book. I also think i also have bookmarked it but now i can't seem to find

                            10 months ago
                          • Sarah Reads

                            It sounds similar to this book I read it’s not exactly a twin but a brother you might like it it’s called Inevitable by Shain rose

                            a year ago
                          • Vishakha Nistha

                            hey, did you find the book?

                            a year ago
                          • 😍Anita

                            Hey! Sounds interesting. Do tell the name of the book if you get to know from someone else.

                            2 years ago
                          Always a Nerd
                          Always a Nerd

                          I couldn't put this book down... loved it

                          Reply2 years ago
                            Sumaiyah Shah
                            Sumaiyah Shah

                            i loved this book but did alex and josh reconcile or will it be told in twisted games

                            Reply2 years ago
                              Haley Gonzalez
                              Haley Gonzalez

                              Please add The Ocean Between Us by michelle heard

                              Reply2 years ago
                                𝑰'𝒎 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 ~𝑳𝑨 𝒅𝒊 𝒍𝒂 𝒅𝒊
                                𝑰'𝒎 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 ~𝑳𝑨 𝒅𝒊 𝒍𝒂 𝒅𝒊

                                Omg I really love this book so muchhh... I luvvv the chemistry between Ava and Alex👉👈

                                Reply2 years ago
                                  Avi S.
                                  Avi S.

                                  Can someone please tell me the name of a historical romance. It's about an American whiskey heiress who goes to a week long house party while visiting London and falls in love with the host. The host is betrothed to someone else but also falls in love with the heiress. She wins a card game against the other girl's father so that he can break the betrothal honorably.

                                  Reply3 years ago
                                  • Hannah Smith

                                    Is it cocky earl??

                                    2 years ago
                                  • Hannah Smith

                                    So sorry, I dont know - BUT I WANT TO

                                    2 years ago
                                  Hisana Shirin
                                  Hisana Shirin


                                  Reply3 years ago
                                    HH NHZ
                                    HH NHZ

                                    not a fan

                                    Reply3 years ago
                                    • Yudith Lectora75

                                      Me too!

                                      2 years ago
                                    pretty lola
                                    pretty lola

                                    i was almost late for work because of this.

                                    Reply3 years ago
                                      Memphis Layne
                                      Memphis Layne

                                      Was so well written and am thrilled to have an asian american as a lead character. also glad that the lead character was not a doormat. She gave herself some space and made him work for forgiveness 🥰 one of the best kind of books

                                      Reply3 years ago
                                        Lala Cake
                                        Lala Cake

                                        CAN ANYONE HELP ME FIND a book which is in series of 3 and the main character father sell or make a contract to marry her daughter to the love interest. love interest hates her because he thinks she is the cause for her sister disability.there is a secret group where the mother is the head but they didn't knew it till the end.LI also forces MC to wear a diamond necklace on their contract engagement which has a tracking device. THE LI ALSO FIRST TORTURE MC BECAUSE OF HIS HATE AND STARVE HER BUT FUCKS HER. they know each other from high school and the Li also likes her in high school but after her sister accident which he thinks is done by the MC but is actually done by his own mother ,he hate her and also keep her in a basement where his father and mother know about her condition but don't help her. She also ask for help by a maid by sending notes to the maid but it was LI scheme to see if she tries to escape. PLEASEEEEEE HELPPP!!!!

                                        Reply3 years ago
                                        • Valli Kannan

                                          Ruthless prince by Stella hart

                                          3 years ago
                                        DarkRom Lover
                                        DarkRom Lover

                                        I loved it!!

                                        Reply3 years ago
                                          Steffie E
                                          Steffie E

                                          So freaking good.

                                          Reply3 years ago
                                            Marianna_ 94
                                            Marianna_ 94


                                            Reply3 years ago
                                              Ruminating Waffle
                                              Ruminating Waffle

                                              loved this book!!!!! pls upload Nightingale soon:)

                                              Reply3 years ago
                                                Ni M
                                                Ni M

                                                I am going to read the other 2 books from this series too💗

                                                Reply3 years ago
                                                  Ni M
                                                  Ni M

                                                  I suggest you this. Very good, I enjoyed it. The author has good writing skills💗

                                                  Reply3 years ago

                                                    Loved it👍❤️

                                                    Reply3 years ago
                                                      V Kr
                                                      V Kr

                                                      ok...i was sceptical after reading the blurb but, the book is engaging. I liked the MCs too

                                                      Reply4 years ago
                                                        Hui Tran
                                                        Hui Tran

                                                        Wow!! Just wow!! I can't say it enough...I loved this book!!! I could not put it down. I binged all 43 chapters! I haven't read a book like this with an Asian female lead before and I can honestly say that this doesn't disappoint! I loved it so much! So worth the read. I think I just found my new favorite author and not just because she wrote an Asian female lead. The story was well written, layered and easy to read.

                                                        Reply4 years ago
                                                        • Farzana Bai

                                                          Where did you read it? I'm not able to

                                                          4 years ago