Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

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Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer
42 ratings

When Edward Cullen and Bella Swan met in Twilight, an iconic love story was born. But until now, fans have heard only Bella’s side of the story. At last, readers can experience Edward’s version in the long-awaited companion novel, Midnight Sun.

This unforgettable tale as told through Edward’s eyes takes on a new and decidedly dark twist. Meeting beautiful, mysterious Bella is both the most intriguing and unnerving event he has experienced in his long life as a vampire. As we learn more fascinating details about Edward’s past and the complexity of his inner thoughts, we understand why this is the defining struggle of his life. How can he let himself fall in love with Bella when he knows that he is endangering her life?

In Midnight Sun, Stephenie Meyer transports us back to a world that has captivated millions of readers and, drawing on the classic myth of Hades and Persephone, brings us an epic novel about the profound pleasures and devastating consequences of immortal love.

  • File Name:midnight-sun-by-stephenie-meyer.epub
  • Original Title:Midnight Sun
  • Creator:
  • Language:en
  • Identifier:3532772618
  • Publisher:Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
  • Date:2020-08-04T05:00:00+00:00
  • Subject:Fantasy,Young Adult,Romance,Vampires
  • File Size:814.160 KB

Table of Content

  • 4. 1. FIRST SIGHT
  • 5. 2. OPEN BOOK
  • 6. 3. RISK
  • 7. 4. VISIONS
  • 9. 6. BLOOD TYPE
  • 10. 7. MELODY
  • 11. 8. GHOST
  • 12. 9. PORT ANGELES
  • 13. 10. THEORY
  • 17. 14. CLOSER
  • 18. 15. PROBABILITY
  • 19. 16. THE KNOT
  • 20. 17. CONFESSIONS
  • 21. 18. MIND OVER MATTER
  • 22. 19. HOME
  • 23. 20. CARLISLE
  • 24. 21. THE GAME
  • 25. 22. THE HUNT
  • 26. 23. GOODBYES
  • 27. 24. AMBUSH
  • 28. 25. RACE
  • 29. 26. BLOOD
  • 30. 27. CHORES

Comment author placeholder
Leola Schreiner
Leola Schreiner

Y'all should write a book from Edwards view of New Moon! I want to know what happens.

Reply4 months ago
    Haley Gonzalez
    Haley Gonzalez

    Please add The Ocean Between Us by michelle heard

    Reply2 years ago
      Areeba Asghar
      Areeba Asghar

      CAN ANYONE HELP ME FIND a book which is in series of 3 and the main character father sell or make a contract to marry her daughter to the love interest. love interest hates her because he thinks she is the cause for her sister disability.there is a secret group where the mother is the head but they didn't knew it till the end.LI also forces MC to wear a diamond necklace on their contract engagement which has a tracking device. THE LI ALSO FIRST TORTURE MC BECAUSE OF HIS HATE AND STARVE HER BUT FUCKS HER. they know each other from high school and the Li also likes her in high school but after her sister accident which he thinks is done by the MC but is actually done by his own mother ,he hate her and also keep her in a basement where his father and mother know about her condition but don't help her. She also ask for help by a maid by sending notes to the maid but it was LI scheme to see if she tries to escape. PLEASEEEEEE HELPPP!!!!

      Reply3 years ago
      • Vampire Empire

        You should read Crave by Tracy Wolff...Just saying 'cause like its good and if you liked the Twilight Saga, you will LOVE it! I know I've read the whole series 3 times!

        2 years ago
      • Sah Na

        Girl!! I got you it's ruthless prince by Stella hart

        2 years ago
      • Jo Jo

        I vaguely recall seeing something like this, I think it was a Clarissa Wild book maybe.

        3 years ago
      Lily Hope
      Lily Hope

      Hello can anyone hell me please i'm searching for a book i have read last year but kind of forgot the name So the book is about a normal shy girl who woke up one morning on weard sounds to find out there is a zombie in front of her apartment door so she go to her mother's room to find her step-father eating her mother she run to her room and got a phone call from her step-father relative a ex solder who is a biker anyway he told her to hide in the sealing of her bathroom and he will come to get her she did that he saved her and with some other friends and family members ther start a journey to find a safe place. They run into a psycho who got obsessed with the f.l and tried to kill everyone by leading a horde of zombies toward them. So can anyone help me with the name of the book or the author i really want to read it again it was good story

      Reply3 years ago
      • Kay ShadowStar

        @Emory Reader: I saw a similar comment like yesterday. Had no idea what to say to help, just wanted to thank you for providing me with something to say next time I run across this. 😊

        3 years ago
      • Emory Reader

        if you haven't already post this on a goodreads thread you might get an answer.

        3 years ago
      bella swan
      bella swan

      i have the whole twilight series including this book please add to the series for your fans!

      Reply3 years ago
        bella swan
        bella swan
        Reply3 years ago
          bella swan
          bella swan

          you have got to make more books from Edwards's point of view and a movie would be great but everyone wants a book more, this book is the best book ever I finished it in 2 days reading it all night! if you don't make another one I am going to have nothing actually good to read :( plus I have convinced all of my friends to read the series after saying it was annoying but now they love it!

          Reply3 years ago
            Likes Books
            Likes Books

            Please add the rest of the twilight books and the life and death twilight reimagined

            Reply4 years ago
              Gindy Nguyen
              Gindy Nguyen

              Nothing is more smoothing than reading Edward's thoughts🤭

              Reply4 years ago
                Siren Stelle
                Siren Stelle

                The book was better than I thought it was going to be, and I thought it was goin to be pretty darn good!!!!

                Reply4 years ago
                  Emma Guillemette
                  Emma Guillemette

                  THANK YOU!!! I Love twilght!!zi could not get a papper copy. And I was looking for an online version but all of them were the liked virsion ( I just read That) And I wanted to read the rest of the book! AND I FOUND THIS!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Reply4 years ago
                    Sadie Menzies
                    Sadie Menzies

                    Is there a scroll version on the free version? Also is it word for word some of the free ones I have found to be prone to having grammar mistakes or leaving out parts of a chapter.

                    Reply4 years ago
                    • Sadie Menzies

                      *”hide readers view” oops sorry

                      4 years ago
                    • Sadie Menzies

                      I figured out a way to read this book free while reading a scroll version. If you reading this on an Apple product and are using safari, tap on the two “AA”’s on the top left corner (you see it in the search bar) and one of your first options will be “show readers view” tap on that. That will make it a scroll version instead of a swipe version. From there you can also easily change the size of the text, the font, and change the colour of the background (white, cream white/tan, grey, and black). To go back to the normal formatting of the website just tap on “hide search bar”. I’m not sure if this help anyone else or who might need this but here you go. :)))

                      4 years ago
                    Mersy Lee
                    Mersy Lee

                    Why cant i download

                    Reply4 years ago
                    • M. Susan Guerrero Light

                      You have to be a subscriber to download a book. If you're a an avid reader, it's definitely worth the $10 a month.

                      4 years ago
                    julicia thompson
                    julicia thompson

                    I love it!!!!!!!

                    Reply4 years ago
                      Shannon Roberts
                      Shannon Roberts

                      This is amazing. You get to see everything that goes on in his head, and what Edward is thinking.

                      Reply4 years ago
                        Titi Hopez
                        Titi Hopez

                        I keep hitting the next button but nothing happens! Please help

                        Reply4 years ago
                          Book Lover07
                          Book Lover07

                          This was pretty good, but it didn't have the same feeling as Twilight because it was the same story.

                          Reply4 years ago
                            Antaniya Boyd
                            Antaniya Boyd

                            I love this book so much

                            Reply4 years ago
                              Ani Ray
                              Ani Ray

                              Thanks a lot maddie dark.

                              Reply5 years ago
                                Ani Ray
                                Ani Ray

                                cannot download it... neither can find the next button...can anyone say what to do?

                                Reply5 years ago
                                • maddie dark

                                  you can read it online..... butttt it says that if you want to download, u have to donate soooooooo

                                  5 years ago
                                Kamlakant Yadav
                                Kamlakant Yadav

                                Full book available on this website.... Midnight Sun book is really beautiful amazing historic....it's worth reading

                                Reply5 years ago
                                • Skye Reynolds

                                  I agree. I have read the Twilight series a million times.

                                  4 years ago
                                Riss M
                                Riss M

                                The only reason this book works is because it has been so long since Twilight was published. The story is the exact same just from Edward's POV. I didn't mind Twilight, but I found this book to be way longer than it needed to be and extremely boring at times.

                                Reply5 years ago
                                • Mariam Hazem

                                  For me actually twilight now makes more sense... instead of having Edward as an under developed character that he seems super toxic towards Bella now it actually made sense

                                  4 years ago
                                Reyna Calderón
                                Reyna Calderón

                                I want to download, is it possible to do it without the donation?

                                Reply5 years ago
                                • Antaniya Boyd

                                  yes you can read it without donating

                                  4 years ago
                                Kat Lu
                                Kat Lu

                                Click Read online

                                Reply5 years ago
                                  parvin kaur
                                  parvin kaur

                                  how do i download without donating cant find nxt button

                                  Reply5 years ago
                                  • Aurelia Crysanthos

                                    U can't

                                    4 years ago
                                  Ray Terry
                                  Ray Terry

                                  How do I download this without donating

                                  Reply5 years ago
                                  • HH NHZ

                                    you click next

                                    5 years ago
                                  Sophia Leigh Artus
                                  Sophia Leigh Artus

                                  ABC if you want edward's pov on breaking dawn

                                  Reply5 years ago
                                    Sophia Leigh Artus
                                    Sophia Leigh Artus

                                    This is the real book not the rough draft. The rough draft is only 12 ch.

                                    Reply5 years ago
                                      kassie vail
                                      kassie vail

                                      Is this the full book and not the rough draft from couple of years ago? I have been trying to find an online version and all the other ones are the rough draft, Thanks!

                                      Reply5 years ago
                                      • Sophia Leigh Artus

                                        This is the full book not the rough draft that was released 12 yrs ago

                                        5 years ago
                                      Saf Saf
                                      Saf Saf

                                      I loved this! I loved reading more about the Cullen family, and would love to read the other books in Edward's pov. Well, maybe not New Moon, that might be too depressing.

                                      Reply5 years ago
                                      • Saf Saf

                                        Aurelia Crysanthos a bit late but, you're right. New Moon in Edward's poverty would be awesome. It would also definitely be depressing but I would still read it if Meyer ever decides to write it. And I hope she does someday. 😅

                                        4 years ago
                                      • Aurelia Crysanthos

                                        I think new moon in edwards point of view would be awesome! We can see how much he actually loves Bella. And if when he said that he was going to be coming back soon, begging for her to take him back was actually true. Also, I'm a HP fan so I wouldn't exactly mind seeing him suffer. Its so sad that Meyer isn't going to write another book in his pov. Oh well. I suppose we can always dream.🤷🏻‍♀️

                                        4 years ago
                                      Posey Gray
                                      Posey Gray

                                      I'm sorry to have offended your sensitive sensibilities Ava. I was not aware that I had to like every character in a book to in order to enjoy said book. God forbid anyone have an opinion.

                                      Reply5 years ago
                                      • Makenzie shively

                                        you do you good for having an opinion no sarcasm btw

                                        5 years ago
                                      Scarlett Hilton
                                      Scarlett Hilton

                                      If you don't like it why do you read it?

                                      Reply5 years ago
                                      • Skye Reynolds


                                        4 years ago
                                      Posey Gray
                                      Posey Gray

                                      I hate Jasper, I hate Rosalie too. I always have and even more so now. There are so many annoying characters in this series.

                                      Reply5 years ago
                                      • Book craver

                                        novels need some annoying, some a bit crazy characters in order to be a bit relative to our own life , even if this story is fictional, the author tries to add something we can relate with in this novel. So i like both of them they are awesome in their own ways

                                        4 years ago
                                      • Aurelia Crysanthos

                                        I don't exactly like Jasper, but he keeps Alice happy so. Rosalie though. I love her beauty and "pigheadedness", as well as her annoyance with Bella and how well she can relate to "Lee-Lee"

                                        4 years ago
                                      • jackson ryder

                                        awh i love jasper lmao i cxan agree there are many annoying characters tho

                                        5 years ago
                                      • Ava Andersen

                                        That is rude. I dont know why you would share that. And why would you even read it if you hate it so much? If youre only here to hate on the series, than go somewhere else.

                                        5 years ago
                                      Jessica Corral
                                      Jessica Corral

                                      Don’t pay to read it on here might as well buy the book

                                      Reply5 years ago
                                      • Warren Asher

                                        You don’t have to pay to read it here, you have to pay to download it.

                                        5 years ago
                                      hanna clark
                                      hanna clark

                                      It was OK, think the other books in Edwards words would b better thou

                                      Reply5 years ago
                                      • Aurelia Crysanthos


                                        4 years ago
                                      nide side
                                      nide side

                                      should i read it ,should i not read it??i dont know help humans. gah . is it any good?

                                      Reply5 years ago
                                      • Skye Reynolds

                                        Im a hooman not a human...

                                        4 years ago
                                      • Aurelia Crysanthos

                                        It's ok I suppose

                                        4 years ago
                                      • Bianca Martin

                                        Yes it's really good read it

                                        5 years ago