Kiss the Villain by Rina Kent

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Kiss the Villain by Rina Kent
35 ratings

My darkness meets a darker soul.

I’m a golden boy.
A genius law student, the heir to the Carson empire, and the dutiful son.
Or, at least, that’s what it looks like from the outside.
Deep inside, I have the urge to set the world on fire.
I keep these impulses in check, rarely indulging in mayhem.
Until one night of debauchery backfires, and I’m caught by a villain.
I bury the entire ordeal with the rest of my skeletons.
That is, until that night walks into my classroom in the form of my new professor.
Kayden Lockwood.
A criminal who’s teaching criminal law.
I can’t expose what he’s done without unmasking my secret life.
What I can do, however, is force him to taste the poison he gave me.
In the clash of titans, Kayden and I break and crumble.
And I’m starting to realize this dangerous game may have no winners.

  • File Name:kiss-the-villain-by-rina-kent.epub
  • Original Title:Kiss The Villain: A Dark MM Enemies to Lovers Romance
  • Creator:
  • Language:en
  • Identifier:MOBI-ASIN:B0DJT283QQ
  • Publisher:Blackthorn Books, LLC
  • Date:2025-03-20T00:00:00+00:00
  • File Size:2.478 MB

Table of Content

  • 1. Title Page
  • 2. Copyright
  • 3. Also By Rina Kent
  • 4. Dedication
  • 5. Author Note
  • 6. Blurb
  • 7. Playlist
  • 8. Art
  • 9. 1. Gareth
  • 10. 2. Gareth
  • 11. 3. Gareth
  • 12. 4. Gareth
  • 13. 5. Kayden
  • 14. 6. Gareth
  • 15. 7. Gareth
  • 16. 8. Kayden
  • 17. 9. Gareth
  • 18. 10. Gareth
  • 19. 11. Gareth
  • 20. 12. Kayden
  • 21. 13. Gareth
  • 22. 14. Gareth
  • 23. 15. Kayden
  • 24. 16. Gareth
  • 25. 17. Gareth
  • 26. 18. Gareth
  • 27. 19. Kayden
  • 28. 20. Gareth
  • 29. 21. Gareth
  • 30. 22. Kayden
  • 31. 23. Kayden
  • 32. 24. Gareth
  • 33. 25. Gareth
  • 34. 26. Kayden
  • 35. 27. Gareth
  • 36. 28. Gareth
  • 37. 29. Kayden
  • 38. 30. Gareth
  • 39. 31. Gareth
  • 40. 32. Kayden
  • 41. 33. Kayden
  • 42. 34. Gareth
  • 43. 35. Gareth
  • 44. 36. Kayden
  • 45. 37. Gareth
  • 46. 38. Kayden
  • 47. 39. Gareth
  • 48. Epilogue 1—Gareth
  • 49. Epilogue 2—Kayden
  • 50. What’s Next?
  • 51. Also By Rina Kent
  • 52. About the Author
  • 53. Contents

Comment author placeholder
Darija Vk
Darija Vk

Kayden and Gareth's story was so charged and hectic, just as I expected it to be. Riveting from beginning to end. I was so happy to see Niko and Bran again. ❤❤❤❤❤

Replya day ago
    Brody Parker
    Brody Parker

    masterpiece ❤️❤️❤️

    Replya day ago
      🎃Pumpkin pie
      🎃Pumpkin pie


      Reply3 days ago
        Jackie S
        Jackie S

        Personally, I LOVE this book, while yes I think God of Fury is better, this book isn’t meant to be God of Fury. It is its own book. Also, any of yall saying “Vaughn was supposed to be straight” ITS RINAS BOOK SHE CAN DO WHATEVER SHE WANTS!!!! Also your just mad that you can no longer insert yourself into the book, stop being weird and stop being homophobic.

        Reply7 days ago
          Mounir Rozana
          Mounir Rozana

          The grown ass 33 year old was calling the 21 year old's ass 'my pussy/my cunt'. (EDIT: since many people are taking this in the wrong I want to clarify that I was not talking the usage of pussy/cunt but rather the word 'my'. And I hope I don't sound ignorant cuz I'm not. Also, I would like to apologize if any of the people of queer community might feel inferior or weird in any way. It was totally not my intention.)

          So I'd rather gouge my eyeballs out, skin myself slowly then swim in a pool full of salt and pepper and then burn myself alive at a stake than even think of touching this book again. EVER.

          Also, SA is not dark romance. Get help.

          Edit: what type of fuckery is this book oh my god.

          Gareth was threatening to stab something every other chapter and then he guess what? stabbed his own self????

          Don't get me started on Ka*den.

          This book felt as if both of the characters just wanted to be either Killian or Landon or a mix of both.

          Edit 2:

          A day after i completed the book, so I have gathered my thoughts a bit and lemme explain some things and write a more detailed review.

          I hated Kayden. He's literally had no personality.

          Just explain to me if he's so much against rape why did he do the same thing to gareth? And don't come at me with the 'he liked it' it's stated in the book. It's also stated that Kayden raped him 3 times.

          And the explananing rape as a crime in class just to antagonise Gareth that was like i have no words what the hell was that?

          Gareth. Oh god. I actually had so much expectations for this book and i loved Gareth. Why do rina had to ruin his character??? He was jealous of his own brother who is 2.5 years younger than him. What the hell?

          Also Asher had no issues with Gareth killing a person but was disgusted by Killian killing rats??? Make it make sense.

          The smut was.. tbh idgaf what people do in the privacy of their bedroom and who am I to care so the smut was.. smut.

          The thing I said above about the 'my pussy/cunt' thing was related to the word 'MY' btw the repetition of the word MY pissed me off so bad i wanted to kms.

          And also again random women suffering for rina's plot like?? The wife?? The gf??

          Also why was Gareth- that manchild- was jealous of Kayden's ex wife who was raped and murdered ??

          Reply8 days ago
            Waydown Toomuch
            Waydown Toomuch

            For a person who read only god of fury and now kiss the villian by rina kent i have no idea why people makes such a big deal because of vaughn having an MM book, i really dont since i first come across to him in this book i understand if they feel like it changes his character so much even than its her series her characters so...back to the kiss the villian my toughts are exactly the same with god fury im not saying they were similar, i mean not soo similar im saying that when i was reading god of fury it was so much fun even if the page count was more than what im used to i read it quickly and i didn't feel it dragged out, same for this book, but after i finished i couldn't remember anything LİTERALLY anything major happening until last part of the book and thats not actually so bad because the first half was for the establish the couple than face to conflicts later this is where kiss the villian was slightly better since i couldn't remember anything niko and brandon did except having sex in the first half i could name few other things for kayden and Gareth ( i dont know , this might be a me problem tho). Overall the relationship felt slightly better, the characters slightly less lovable, a little better plot and almost the same pace in my personel opinion.

            Reply8 days ago
              Mrs. S
              Mrs. S


              Reply8 days ago
                Emi Ziretti
                Emi Ziretti

                Well, im conflicted with this book. I liked how fast paced was at the begining. But this wasnt completely good, because too much steamy scenes at once was tiring at some point. I felt Gareth and Kayden relationship felt familiar (yes, killian and glyndon's story) on so many parts. I liked de HEA ending. Theres more but yeah i give a 6/10 to this book. I wont read it again though.

                Reply9 days ago
                • Jae !

                  Well..thats it. I dont think im going to read it

                  9 days ago
                Favvvy Celicy🙃
                Favvvy Celicy🙃

                This book is so good ,not as good as god of fury but still best of the best I like that she added all the scenes of kayden and Gareth in God of fury smoothly in kiss the villian -makes it so original And for those saying they don't like that vaughn is not straight or whatever......that's your opinion ,doesn't mean you are homophobic or anything but it cannot change what rina wants to write We all know part of the reason that vaughn's story might also be MM is because God of fury was a huge hit same as Kiss the villian.....I mean it got up to 12 thousand views in the first hour it was uploaded.....I for one have been waiting on updates for the book since the start of the month and am sure not disappointed. If you dislike rina writing MM books.....what i would employ you to do is seek other MF authors rather than complaining to Rina and making her thing her readers don't like her book She clearly chose the majority of readers asking for another MM book because she clearly wants her readers satisfaction Lastly.....this book is top notch and i advise readers to enjoy it......i would like more MM books in the future

                Reply9 days ago
                  P Y
                  P Y

                  I love MM books, but I think Rina has gotten too carried away. She keeps repeating all her cliché plot mistakes ( ´~`)

                  Reply9 days ago
                    xanny Lord
                    xanny Lord

                    "vaughn was supposed to be straight" eh..says fucking who? being annoyingly homophobic because you can't imagine and self-insert yourself as the fmc anymore is such a crybaby complaint LMAOOO GROWT TF UP LOSERS

                    Reply9 days ago
                    • Jackie S

                      YES OMG AND LIKE PEOPLE SAYING, “it’s not what her fans want” ITS HER BOOK SERIES LET HER DO WHAT SHE WANTSSSS

                      9 days ago
                    ava harper
                    ava harper

                    rina ruined it- vaughn was supposed to be straight. She crushed our hopes...

                    Reply9 days ago
                    • Jackie S

                      Bro wtf, we knew it was gonna be a mm for a really long time, shut up. Stop being homophobic.

                      9 days ago
                    11 worldsapart
                    11 worldsapart

                    the blatant fucking homophobia in these comments is insane.

                    Reply10 days ago
                    • Kylie Monteou

                      I agree, this ava harper girl clearly doesnt like original content. Also idk why some people (like her) think that any of these romance books are accurate representations of criminal organizations. Like girl you don't know what a pakhan would do, and a pakhan wouldnt be young and hot. Its fiction for a reason 🙄. I happen to like the MM Rina is doing, it's a nice change of pace. Especially with Vaughn, it's really different from a lot of other books I've read. If I wanted a straight Bratva romance, I would look at the thousands already published for that audience. This is different, not exactly niche but it's a beautiful addition to a significantly smaller category. Not everyone likes reading MM/FF and thats fine, but being rude and parasocial about it is wrong. I hope to see her write FF sometime, that would be so interesting.

                      9 days ago
                    • 11 worldsapart

                      do not try to disguise your homophobia with "disappointment". there's plenty of good MF books the author has written. if u are that thirsty for a straight dark romance book, theres millions of others u can find u homophobes are just disappointed u cant self insert while reading these books. take a breather and introspect for a moment. think about ur disappointment in vaughn's sexuality. put ur mind to work for a bit and ull realise is deep-rooted homophobia and not concern for the plot- so to speak.

                      9 days ago
                    • ava harper

                      its not homophobia- its disappointment. Like you dont really expect us to believe that the son of the pakhan would be ok with his gf cheating and instead of kiIIing that guy he becomes obsessed with him. Shes just copy pasting niko and bran cause it became a best seller. Shes ruined vaughn

                      9 days ago
                    Reso Kashyap
                    Reso Kashyap

                    I loved this book but still I don't want Vaughns book to be mm

                    Reply11 days ago
                    • Jackie S

                      Its her book… let her do what she wants.

                      9 days ago
                    • liv n

                      me too, im not hating on the lgbt rep but to put it plainly thats not who her audience nor what they want to read

                      10 days ago
                    Iris Luna
                    Iris Luna


                    Reply11 days ago
                      Tahrin Afruz
                      Tahrin Afruz

                      Why? Just why is Vaughn gonna have a mm book? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I can't accept it.

                      Reply11 days ago
                      • Blessing Boateng

                        Well she is gonna right n i can't wait if u can't accept then don't read!!!

                        10 days ago
                      • Reso Kashyap

                        Rina is just disappointing readers

                        11 days ago
                      Ash JI
                      Ash JI

                      thank you so much for uploading this quickly!! thank yuuu!!

                      Reply11 days ago
                        Waziha Milisha
                        Waziha Milisha

                        Thank you so much for uploading this fast

                        Reply11 days ago
                          babydont likeit
                          babydont likeit

                          that was SO GOOD

                          Reply11 days ago
                            Bubbles Nono📚💌
                            Bubbles Nono📚💌


                            Reply11 days ago