Enchanted by Ken Sanchez
In the enchanting town of Willowbrook, a young man named Benjamin discovers a remarkable power—the ability to bring stories to life. When he encounters a reclusive Beast named Adrian, cursed to shift between a fearsome ice dragon and a human form that freezes everything he touches, their destinies entwine.
As Benjamin and Adrian navigate a treacherous journey filled with love, friendship, and the transformative power of stories, they must break Adrian’s curse to save Willowbrook from an eternal winter. With the town’s magical essence slowly fading, time is running out.
Discover a captivating tale of redemption, acceptance, and the enduring magic
- File Name:enchanted-by-ken-sanchez.epub
- Original Title:Enchanted (Willowbrook Book One): A Mysterious Tale of Love and Magic - A Gay M/M Fantasy Romance
- Creator:Ken Sanchez
- Language:en
- Publisher:Independent
- Date:2023-12-11T16:00:00+00:00
- File Size:1.062 MB
Table of Content
- 1. Willowbrook
- 2. 1. A Quill Full of Surprises
- 3. 2. An Icy Curse
- 4. 3. Glamor, Grins, and Grandeur
- 5. 4. An Icy Heart Thaws
- 6. 5. A Chance Encounter
- 7. 6. Dragon’s Dilemma
- 8. 7. The Curious Quandary
- 9. 8. Whispers in the Frost
- 10. 9. Heart Captured
- 11. 10. The Icy Impasse
- 12. 11. New Friends and Icy Truths
- 13. 12. Whispers of Ice and Shadows
- 14. 13. Quests, and a Conundrum
- 15. 14. Frosty Bonds and Mischievous Mischief
- 16. 15. Love’s Icy Embrace
- 17. 16. Shadows and Unity
- 18. 17. Dragon and Dagger
- 19. 18. Icy Allies
- 20. 19. Trapped
- 21. 20. Missing
- 22. 21. Warlock
- 23. 22. Hope
- 24. 23. Warm Surprises
- 25. 24. One Soul, One Love
- 26. 25. The End?
- 27. Epilogue
- 28. About the Author
- 29. Also by Ken Sanchez