Danny by Janice M. Whiteaker

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Danny by Janice M. Whiteaker
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Craig is the best at what he does.
He can find anyone. Anywhere.
Any time.
Doesn’t matter how hard they try to hide.
But locating his friend’s lost family is proving to be more of a challenge than he anticipated. Shadow Pine, Washington is Craig’s last lead, one built on nothing but rumor and hearsay.
But sometimes that’s all you need.
That and maybe a little luck, and Craig’s luck comes in the form of a tall blonde with a knack for bringing the dead to life.
Danny is strong. Smart. Driven.
And hiding secrets of her own.
Secrets wound together so tightly even Craig might not be able to unravel them. If he can’t, everything that matters to him is in jeopardy.
Wedged between her past, and their future.
You don’t get to pick your parents.
It’s a hard truth to swallow.
Especially when your father is crazy.
But Danny thought she’d left that all behind her. Then he showed up, looking like nothing she’d ever seen before. Clark Kent in a well-cut suit, with dimples deeper than the Grand Canyon and a voice that could melt the ice off Mount Rainier, Craig is a man who does what he says he will.
Makes promises he keeps.
Gives more than he takes.
Except he wants to dig through a past she has no desire to remember, let alone discuss.
Because her past is more than crazy. It’s dangerous.
Maybe even deadly.

  • File Name:danny-by-janice-m-whiteaker.epub
  • Original Title:Danny (Big Northwest Book 1)
  • Creator:
  • Language:en
  • Identifier:MOBI-ASIN:B084ZQYQ5B
  • Publisher:Janice M. Whiteaker
  • Date:2020-04-23T16:00:00+00:00
  • File Size:306.313 KB

Table of Content

  • 1. Title Page
  • 2. Copyright Page
  • 3. ONE
  • 4. TWO
  • 5. THREE
  • 6. FOUR
  • 7. FIVE
  • 8. SIX
  • 9. SEVEN
  • 10. EIGHT
  • 11. NINE
  • 12. TEN
  • 13. ELEVEN
  • 14. TWELVE
  • 15. THIRTEEN
  • 16. FOURTEEN
  • 17. FIFTEEN
  • 18. SIXTEEN
  • 20. EIGHTEEN
  • 21. NINETEEN
  • 22. TWENTY
  • 23. TWENTY-ONE
  • 24. TWENTY-TWO
  • 28. EPILOGUE

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Mrs. M.Powell
Mrs. M.Powell

This is Paranormal Romance

Replya day ago