Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality by Roshani Chokshi
The Pandavas only have until the next full moon to stop the Sleeper from gaining access to the nectar of immortality, which will grant him infinite power. But how can Aru, Mini, and Brynne hope to defeat him without their celestial weapons? The Sleeper and his army are already plundering the labyrinth, and the sisters can’t even enter. Their quest to get in will have them calling on old friends, meeting new allies, and facing fearsome trials, like…performing in a rock concert? When the moment of confrontation finally arrives, it’s up to Aru to decide who deserves immortality, the devas or the asuras. The most unexpected answer will come from a most unexpected place. More surprises and delights, gods and demons, and laughs and tears await in this immensely satisfying conclusion to the wild ride that began with the lighting of a lamp.
- File Name:aru-shah-and-the-nectar-of-immortality-by-roshani-chokshi.epub
- Original Title:Aru Shah and the Nectar of Immortality
- Creator:Roshani Chokshi
- Language:en
- Identifier:urn:uuid:600b175e-0237-440c-99a2-b04c1f0b6429
- Publisher:Disney Press
- Date:2022-04-05
- File Size:8.517 MB
Table of Content
- 1. Title Page
- 2. Copyright
- 3. Dedication
- 4. 1. Not All Who Wander Are Lost
- 5. 2. I Hate It Here
- 6. 3. I’m Sorry, but Your Call Cannot Be Completed as Dialed
- 7. 4. And on That Note…BEGONE
- 8. 5. That Time We Crashed a Wedding
- 9. 6. A Warm Welcome. Honestly, a Little Too Warm.
- 10. 7. The Sun Jewel
- 11. 8. Suffering for My Art, as Per Usual
- 12. 9. New Lifetime Achievement for Minimal Drool
- 13. 10. What Weak Men Fear Most
- 14. 11. The Tale of the Vishakanyas
- 15. 12. Whaddaya Know! Another Family Reunion!
- 16. 13. Finally! Paradise! And by That, I Mean Home Depot.
- 17. 14. I Was Told There Would Be Porgs Everything Is a Lie
- 18. 15. The Bear King
- 19. 16. Brynne Rao Didn’t Come Here to Play
- 20. 17. I Am Officially Intrigued
- 21. 18. No Thoughts Head Empty
- 22. 19. A Brief Interlude from Madness
- 23. 20. The End of the World! But, Like, Fun!
- 24. 21. Rudy Rocks, Rudy Rocks, Rudy Rocks
- 25. 22. I’d Like to Speak to a Human Now
- 26. 23. The Lady Menaka
- 27. 24. A Horse
- 28. 25. ME? Shocked at This Latest Instance of Disrespect? NEIGH!
- 29. 26. Tambourines Are Underrated
- 30. 27. Hoodwinked
- 31. 28. The Halls of Nidra
- 32. 29. Well, This Isn’t Awkward at All
- 33. 30. Hello Darkness, My Old Friend
- 34. 31. They Must Use a Lot of Soap
- 35. 32. Worst Lullaby EVER. Can I Get a Refund?
- 36. 33. Post-Nap Baby Boo
- 37. 34. You’ll Be the Death of Me
- 38. 35. The Daughter of Death Opens Her Eyes
- 39. 36. Good News Bad News
- 40. 37. There’s Nothing Left to Say
- 41. 38. Can I Give a Negative Rating for This U.B.E.R. Service?
- 42. 39. The Beginning of a Goat Song
- 43. 40. On Your Left
- 44. 41. Don’t Worry, She’s Got Help
- 45. 42. Bliss
- 46. 43. Sorry Isn’t Good Enough
- 47. 44. We Interrupt the Doom and Gloom for Ice Cream. Yayyyy, Ice Cream!
- 48. 45. Potatoes, Assemble!
- 49. 46. Here, at the End of All Things
- 50. 47. It Was a Dark and Stormy Night
- 51. Glossary
- 52. About the Author
Roshani Chokshi

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